Senior Prom Time

It’s that time of year for high school proms. A favorite client of mine, InnovAge, hosts a Senior Prom for the “older” Seniors each year, complete with crowning of the King and Queen, dancing, and refreshments.

The couple crowned at this prom have actually been married over 60 years. I like this photograph taken from behind them. They’re holding hands and just leaning toward one another to talk over the loud music. The crowns, their sashes, and the hint of people dancing in the background suggest a prom, don’t they?

This woman is enjoying a prom dance with her daughter. I positioned myself hoping to get them in the foreground with the Senior Prom banner in the background. We make our own luck, I believe. Not only did I get the proper positioning, but was rewarded with the kiss on the cheek at just the right moment.

Congratulations and well-wishes from other participants at the Johnson Adult Day Program.

See more of my Senior Healthcare and Wellness photography in this gallery at Barry Staver Photography.

Successful “storytelling with a camera” for sure.


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ABOUT My blog

I'm working hard this year to overcome my love / hate relationship with blogging. Over the years, I've looked at is as a difficult chore, a task that should be done on a regular basis.


Guess what? Not many posts produced.


Changing up my attitude in late 2022. Will post because I have stories to share. When writing about the amazing adventures and experiences from "back in the day", it's fun and often enlightening to relive those memories.


Posting about present day events and photo subjects allows for "real time' sharing of experiences.



Highlands Ranch, Colorado




Doubt there will be a Newsletter