Ronald McDonald House Charities

advertising photography colorado

Full Page Ad in USA Today

I love what I do. Photography has been my only job since entering college. It’s exciting, creatively fulfilling, and has paid the bills. I’m passionate about it, often feeling like I eat, sleep, live, and breath photography.

Setting up for the first shot

Keeping everyone warm.

In the past 1/2 dozen years or so, many of my assignments have met the above criteria and also provided an even bigger reward. The photographs taken are helping others and making a difference in lives. Foundations, charities, and non-profits share the story of their work through my photography.

This ad campaign for the Ronald McDonald House Charities is a great example. It’s running in USA Today, full page in size, and I’m thrilled to have played a part by photographing Elizabeth and her family for the ad.

The last set-up.

A great stand-in, waiting for Elizabeth and her family to arrive on location

With a cold wind blowing in from the west, the creative team from DDB Chicago kept everyone warm between shots on a hillside with Pikes Peak in the background. Son Matthew Staver played a big part in this successful photo shoot too.


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ABOUT My blog

I'm working hard this year to overcome my love / hate relationship with blogging. Over the years, I've looked at is as a difficult chore, a task that should be done on a regular basis.


Guess what? Not many posts produced.


Changing up my attitude in late 2022. Will post because I have stories to share. When writing about the amazing adventures and experiences from "back in the day", it's fun and often enlightening to relive those memories.


Posting about present day events and photo subjects allows for "real time' sharing of experiences.



Highlands Ranch, Colorado




Doubt there will be a Newsletter