My Photo-Ops Of The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II, West Coast Visit 1983. People Magazine assignment. All Rights Reserved to Photographer Barry Staver.


I had the opportunity to photograph her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, six times over a five day period in early 1983. She and Prince Phillip visited the West Coast of the US and People magazine assigned me to cover the events. Yep, one photographer to try and keep up with a jam packed itinerary taking place between San Diego on the south and Santa Barbara up north. Impossible you say? That’s what I first said too. But looking back some 39 years later here’s what I captured.

Stay tuned for a second post detailing the back story of this crazy, near impossible feat. As best I remember it anyway.

Queen Elizabeth II, West Coast Visit 1983. People Magazine assignment. All Rights Reserved to Photographer Barry Staver.

• The Queen attended a church service in San Diego – photograph of her arrival and hand shaking greetings with the members of the church clergy.

Reading her prepared speech © Barry Staver.

Speaking to city leaders, City Hall, Los Angeles. ©Barry Staver

• Visit and speaking engagement at Los Angeles City Hall, meeting the city leaders including Mayor Tom Bradley.

• Walking the Red Carpet “gauntlet of photographers” with First Lady Nancy Reagan into a 20th Century Fox Studio event. See this previous post with details.

Formal meeting, as national anthems of both countries are played.

• Meeting President Ronald Reagan at formal ceremony in an aircraft hanger in Santa Barbara, CA. Prince Phillip and Mrs. Reagan alongside.

Queen Elizabeth II with ever present purse on her left arm, giving well know wave to the crowd.

• Waving to the crowd at an unknown location – I lost track after 39 years.

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ABOUT My blog

I'm working hard this year to overcome my love / hate relationship with blogging. Over the years, I've looked at is as a difficult chore, a task that should be done on a regular basis.


Guess what? Not many posts produced.


Changing up my attitude in late 2022. Will post because I have stories to share. When writing about the amazing adventures and experiences from "back in the day", it's fun and often enlightening to relive those memories.


Posting about present day events and photo subjects allows for "real time' sharing of experiences.



Highlands Ranch, Colorado




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