Did I Inhale?

denver, colorado, photojournalist, photo essay, documentary

Cover of Governing Magazine- Photography by Barry Staver

Unlike a former president who claims, “I didn’t inhale”, I did. But just inhaling around the marijuana plants isn’t the same as inhaling a joint –  or so I’m told. This interesting photo assignment came from Governing Magazine. It’s the cover story in the August issue and you’ll also find additional photographs at their online photo gallery. 

barry staver, photographer

Staver inhaling instead of shooting - in large growing room

I did this photography gig at a Denver, CO Medical Marijuana Dispensary. Photo Editor David Kidd had the best advice before the shoot: “Have fun and make a lot of pictures. You can’t have too much of either”. He’s right on with this tip: Going into each assignment with an open mind, positive attitude, and upbeat energy is how good pictures turn into great photographs.

River Rock Colorado, medical marijuana dispensary

Open spread in the magazine - running full bleed across 2 pages

I always shoot a lot on assignments like this. Although we never talked about possible cover use, shooting images that can become covers is one of my specialities. Check out a previous post at http://barrystaver.com/blog about another successful cover story for more info, but in a nutshell I shoot some images that can accommodate a magazine name/logo at the top, room for headlines and other text along a side or at the bottom.

growing medical marijuana plants, denver, CO

Hundreds of plants growing under the bright lights

marijuana buds

Courtesy sniff of marijuana buds

marijuana buds, river rock colorado

RiverRock staff member selects buds for a client

marijuana buds, river rock

Haven’t we all wished for an “Amnesia Haze” to forget a bad day?

bongs, pipes

Too many choices. What’s a guy to do?

A few additional photographs from the shoot. Can I help you tell a story with photography? Call me at 303-880-8063 or send an email my way.

Check out additional “storytelling with a camera” photography at barrystaver.com.


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ABOUT My blog

I'm working hard this year to overcome my love / hate relationship with blogging. Over the years, I've looked at is as a difficult chore, a task that should be done on a regular basis.


Guess what? Not many posts produced.


Changing up my attitude in late 2022. Will post because I have stories to share. When writing about the amazing adventures and experiences from "back in the day", it's fun and often enlightening to relive those memories.


Posting about present day events and photo subjects allows for "real time' sharing of experiences.




Highlands Ranch, Colorado




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