Healthcare Photography

In hospitals, both large and small; private practice; hospitalist groups and medical offices; and in small rural clinics, it all comes down to one-on-one care. Sure, there’s lots of red tape, long waits to be seen, and all of those insurance hoops to jump thru, but once you’ve cleared those hurdles it’s just you and the care giver. Truly one-on-one. This makes Healthcare a “people business”.

Healthcare photography is a unique speciality I’m proud to offer to a variety of clients. Hospital an medical groups use my photography. Publications in the healthcare field call on me to provide photos for their stories. These clients like the way I maneuver – quickly, quietly, and professionally – within their spaces. I have total respect for both caregiver and patient. Many years of experience have taught me when to raise the camera to my eye and when to step aside.

Is it time to tell your healthcare story with still photography or video? Contact me: or 303-880-8063.



Highlands Ranch, Colorado




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