Category Archives: Life in General

Run For Remembrance

The first annual “Run For Remembrance” was held last Saturday at Clement Park in Littleton, Colorado. According to the newspaper, about 900 participants ran, jogged, or walked the 5K course. Thanks to Columbine High School teacher Mr. Hill for organizing the event and inviting me to photograph it. Okay, Mr. Hill and I are second...

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A Class Act

That Jon Rizzi is one class guy. He’s the Editor of Colorado AvidGolfer magazine, pictured above in his monthly “forethoughts” column. My assignments for the magazine began a few years ago and as we’ve become acquainted we’ve discovered mutual friends from our days at Time Inc., and he’s provided some interesting subjects for me to...

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B&W with impact

Black & white photography provides strong emphasis, adds drama to static environments, and certainly helped the E-470 Public Highway Authority communicate it’s message. Their Investor Report celebrates 15 years of service to the metropolitan Denver driving community and my friends at Christopherson & Company Communications selected me to provide the photography for this report. Dan...

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The "Gasp Factor"

A real treat – Saturday breakfast in Santa Fe with editor extraordinaire Dick Stolley. I spent a good 20 years as a contributing photographer to People Magazine. Fortunately much of that time was under the watchful eye of it’s best editor. Dick’s constructive critique of photography has been instrumental as I strive to tell stories...

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Need a flag?

Albuquerque, I-40 & Carlisle St: Our extremely tight shooting schedule with the Health Sciences Center forced me to drive past this flag vendor w/o stopping-twice. Fortunately, the flags were still flying at the edge of the K-Mart lot as I left town this morning. It only takes Vernon,, 30-45 minutes to set these up...

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Highlands Ranch, Colorado




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